Blackfoot Pathways: Sculpture in the Wild Jaakko Pernu (s. 1958 Kälviä) on suomalainen kuvataiteilija. Hän tekee paljon julkisia teoksia myös Keski-Euroopassa sekä Kanadassa. Hänen teostensa materiaali on usein katoavaa. Pernulle myönnettiin taiteilijaeläke vuoden 2020 alusta [1.Pernu, Jaakko | Artist Register – Artists’ Association of Finland Jaakko Pernu is an environmental and minimalist artist from Finland. His favorite material is wood, as his father used to build boats when he was a child; Pernu often helped him. By observing his father’s technique and learning how wood can be worked. Jaakko Pernu developed a talent for handling wood that is reflected in his works.jaakko pernu wiki1 Jaakko Pernu has been working with natural materials since 1988. His works often deal with the relationship between humans and nature. The starting point for the work ET was the material the artist uses in it. The body of the work is made of a larch tree trunk that his friend gave him several years ago. Jaakko Pernu - IGNANT
Jaakko Pernu on suomalainen kuvataiteilija. Hän tekee paljon julkisia teoksia myös Keski-Euroopassa sekä Kanadassa. Hänen teostensa materiaali on usein katoavaa. Pernulle myönnettiin taiteilijaeläke vuoden alusta. Blackfoot Pathways: Sculpture in the Wild International ...
Jaakko Pernu has been working with natural materials since His works often deal with the relationship between humans and nature. The starting point for the work ET was the material the artist uses in it. Jaakko Pernu – Wikipedia
Jaakko Pernu is a Finnish sculptor and environmental artist who works with natural materials, often as large-scale public pieces, whose theme is the influence of humans on nature, the influence of nature on humans, and the surprises along the way.
Jaakko pernu wiki5
Jaakko Pernu is a Finnish sculptor and environment artist living in the city of Oulu. He has been working 20 years with natural material - often in an oversized scale. Lately he has been working mostly abroad creating many public site specific works around Europe and Canada: Vancouver Convention Centre (Canada), Concord Park Place (Canada). Finnish sculptor. Jaakko Pernu is a Finnish sculptor and environment artist living in the city of Oulu. He has been working 20 years with natural material - often in an oversized scale. Lately he has been working mostly abroad creating many public site specific works around Europe and Canada: Vancouver Convention Centre (Canada), Concord Park Place (Canada). Sculpture in the Wild International Sculpture.
File:Lend-Art from Jaakko Pernu (Drop in the ocean) - panoramio. Nykyisin Jaakko Pernu on työstänyt erilaisia esittäviä, tunnistettavia elementtejä, torvia, hyrriä ja teleskooppeja sekä sisä- että ulkotiloihin. Päivänvarjo -veistos yhdistyy myös aiheensa puolesta vehreään ympäristöönsä, sillä jokainen voi kuvitella istuvansa nurmikolla piknikillä lämpimänä kesäisenä päivänä.
Jaakko pernu wiki3
Jaakko Pernu is a Finnish sculptor and environment artist living in the city of Oulu. He has been working 20 years with natural material - often in an oversized scale. Lately he has been working mostly abroad creating many public site specific works around Europe and Canada.
21, Maggio, 2012. Jaakko Pernu is a Finnish sculptor and environment artist living in the city of Oulu. He has been working 20 years with natural material - often in an oversized scale. Lately he has been working mostly abroad creating many public site specific works around Europe and Canada.
Floats - Vancouver Convention Centre
Jaakko Pernu is a Finnish sculptor and environmental artist living in the city of Oulu. He has been working with natural materials since creating large-scale installations from tree branches and tree trunks found on site, expertly woven together, responding to the landscape. Environmental Art Jaakko Pernu - Welum, carousel
Jaakko Pernu, a sculptor from Finland, created an enormous picture frame filled with branches of pine and spruce. Most of the park's sculptures are, like these, site-specific and constructed with.