Tamás Érdi • International Piano Fest
In Hungary, he is a regular soloist of the National Philharmonics and the Hungarian Radio Symphony. Tamás Érdi is also the art director of an increasingly international annual open air classical music festival in the Balaton region.
Tamás Érdi is a truly gifted Budapest-born pianist who has a flourishing international career despite losing his eyesight during an oxygen overdose in a. Gundel, Junior Prima and Prima Primissima Prize winning concert pianist, Tamás Érdi was awarded the Knight’s Cross of the Hungarian Order of Merit in 2004 and Hungary’s highest musical distinction, the Liszt Prize in 2019.
Moog fits into Leiser's vision of a true musician. Tamás Érdi is a truly gifted Budapest-born pianist who has a flourishing international career despite losing his eyesight during an oxygen overdose in a defective incubator.
Bio | Érdi Tamás honlapja
To accomplish this without being able to see, as Tamás Érdi does, shows what can happen when artistic giftedness, gutsy determination, and innovative teaching methods combine. The Budapest-born pianist, now in his 30s, is a truly gifted musician with a flourishing international career. Életrajz | Érdi Tamás honlapja - Érdi Tamás zongoraművész
Pianist Tamás Érdi lost his eyesight as a result of an oxygen overdose in a defective incubator. His interest in music was discovered at a very young age. Tamás Érdi | Embassy of Hungary Ottawa - In 2012 he is closing act of the Liszt Bicentennial events in Romania with the Enescu Symphonic Orchestra. He performs at Carnegie Hall, Lincoln Center, plays in Siberia, Russia, Kuwait, Lebanon, US, Canada and several European cities, most recently in London at the Barbican Centre and works with all symphonic orchestras in Hungary.Events | Érdi Tamás honlapja Tamás Erdi, 29, who lost his sight after birth, travelled to New York especially for the occasion and played a programme of Liszt, Chopin and Mozart.He has given concerts in 23 countries ever since his started his professional career eight years ago.Tamás Érdi | Cadenza Arts Management Érdi Tamás egy hibás inkubátor következtében vesztette el a látását. Zenei érdeklődésére hamar felfigyeltek. Tanára, Becht Erika egy speciális módszerrel, a darabok újra-komponáltatásával "láthatóvá" teszi számára a kottát. Érdi Tamás zongoraestje - „MVM Koncertek – A Zongora”
Tamás Érdi lost his eyesight as a result of oxygen overdose in a defective incubator. He began playing the piano at age of five and was only eight years old, when he first appeared on a concert podium. Társulat – - Opera
Érdi Tamás egy hibás inkubátor következtében vesztette el a látását. Zenei érdeklődésére hamar felfigyeltek. Tanára, Becht Erika egy speciális módszerrel, a darabok újra-komponáltatásával "láthatóvá" teszi számára a kottát. Tamás Érdi | Embassy of Hungary Ottawa -
At the age of 17, I won the Louis Braille piano competition in Moscow, and after spending two years at the Vienna Academy of Music, I obtained an artist diploma at the Royal Conservatory in Toronto as a student of Leon Fleisher. My mentors were Zoltán Kocsis and Tamás Vásáry.
Tamás Érdi official website | Érdi Tamás honlapja
Az American Record Guide Érdi Tamás játékának kivételes mélységét és kifejezőerejét méltatta, és olyan neves zongoraművészekhez hasonlította, mint Rudolf Serkin, Vladimir Ashkenazi, Mitsuko Ushida, Evgeny Kissin és Clara Haskil.